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StrongBodies 4 HomeBodies VIirtual Group Fitness Sessions are Now LIVE! We are all cooped up indoors due to this quarantine - craving movement, consistency and community - and that's what CrysWillFitLife is bringing to your homes! We sweat as one via the Zoom web conferencing platform, spending 30/45 minutes focusing on total body strength + cardio work, or 30 minutes on a muscle group specific workout that will leave you challenged, empowered, and an all-over, "I'm kicking quarantine's @$$" feeling! (NOTE: Classes are modifiable for all fitness levels)
Current StrongBodies4 HomeBodies SPRING (January-June) Schedule:
Monday 6:45p - SB4HB Strength + Cardio Intervals (30 Mins)
Tuesday 7a - Strong Body Bands (30 Mins)
Wednesdays 7a SB4HB Ass + Abs (30 Mins)
Friday 7a - SB4HB All Out EMOM (30 Min)
Sundays 11a Once-Monthly: #Strong Sundays
CLASS FORMATS: (Please Note that all classes can be done with or without equipment. Equipment/equipment equivalent needed for each class is listed in the class descriptions that can be found on the Online Booking Platform.)
Strength + Cardio Intervals (Mondays 6:45p) - 30 Minute resistance training and cardio circuits targeting every muscle group. Think combination exercises in timed circuits (including Tabata) to give you the ultimate, muscle-shaking BURN!
Strong Body Bands (Tuesdays 7a) - A 30-Minute strength training workout that utilizes resistance bands (Tubed w/handles or Therabands will suffice) and ankle cuffs to target the entire body. Think slower, controlled movements, static holds and pulses with the bands - burn, baby, BURN!
Ass + Abs (Wednesdays 7 am) - 30 Minute Class focusing specifically on building a solid & strong base for your body with exercises targeting the glutes, quads, hips and abdominal muscles.
All Out EMOM (Fridays 7am) - 30 Minute Class that ups the ante (and your metabolic + cardio endurance) with workouts for certain amounts of reps to be completed in 60 seconds time. Think fitness challenge game! Great way to end the week!
#StrongSaturdays - (Saturdays 11a) 45-Minute class every third Sunday to challenge our strength and stamina with a combination of different exercise formats (and they change every month to keep our bodies guessing) that target every muscle group in the body!
This "new normal" of continuing our daiy lives is difficult for us all, but we've been presented with a great opportunity for self-empowerment. Let's (as Crys always says) carpe the eff out of this diem and get stronger - together!
*Please Note both HIIT Hop Cycle & ResistHIIT are currently on hiatus; apologies for the inconvenience!*
6:45p Strength + Cardio
7a Strong Body Bands
5p Cycling at BYKLYN Yard
6:15p Cycling at BYKLYN Yard
7a Ass + Abs
12:15p Cycling at BYKLYN Yard
5:30p Cycling at BYKLYN Yard
11a #StrongSaturdays (*Every 3rd Saturday of the month)
12:45p Cycling at BYKLYN Yard
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